Flow CMS can check a user's Drupal permissions to allow or disallow access to content via the CMS. To access certain Drupal API paths/functions a user will require the correct permission in Drupal however the CMS does not always reflect this, and a permission error will be returned.
Flow CMS uses the following permissions:
- 'create article content'
- 'access content api protected'
- 'access content'
- 'create flowz_liveblog container'
- 'access flowz media api'
- 'create flowz_collection pugpig_container'
- 'access flowz_collection api'
- 'flowz translate translate articles'
- 'create layout section_layout'
- 'create layout topic_layout'
- 'create layout author_layout'
- 'create layout article_type_layout'
- 'create layout chain_layout'
- 'create layout sidebar_layout'
- 'create flowz_menu full_nav'
- 'administer users'
- 'create flowz_manual_list section'
- 'create flowz_ad ad_config'
- 'create flowz_ad premium_letter'
- 'create flowz_ad premium_ad'
- 'create flowz_redirect 404'
- 'create flowz_static_page basic'
- 'create flowz_visual_story default'
- 'create flowz_viafoura_log default'