CMS Article Search API

The FLOW Article Search API provides an endpoint to search the archive of articles in FLOW for a given publication. This is for use for delivering CMS article search. The results are ordered by last updated date.



Where publicationDomain is the domain e.g.


Query ParameterDescription
limitInt, defaults to 10
offsetInt, defaults to 0
qThe search term
tidsA pipe delimited string of term ids to filter by
startUnix timestamp for the start of a time range
endUnix timestamp for the end of a time range
status1 or 0
workflowThe name of the workflow state
heroTypevideo, image or gallery
heroIdthe numeric ID of a hero media entity
sortByThe elastic field to sort by, eg updated
sortDirectionASC or DESC
viafouraInt number to search
premium1 or 0
redirect1 or 0

Full API call based on example above:
