Manual Lists

A manual list is an array of article entity reference object.
Any data overrides such as title or image etc are stored in this object in the overrides param.
This allows the article object to be freely moved within the list or removed and added to other lists without the requirement for logic to move overrides with them.

'Default' Manual Lists

When a manual list is used in the Layout manager as manual it gets created as a default manual list.

  label: 'default',
  isDefault: true

This prevents it from display in the Manual list management page, and as potential custom lists. This ensures it's only ever used in the one instance in that specific layout.

Linked components

Within a layout components may be linked together to form a group of components that share a singular Manual list. This group will use the 'Default' Manual list of the first component selected for linking.

When articles are moved, added or removed from within the list the article will appear to 'overflow' from one component to another from top down.