Ad Config

Ad Config allows users to set a configuration on a Global, Per Section or Per Article basis.
This granularity has the following priority: Article > Section > Global

To access Ad Config a user must have the permission:
create flowz_ad ad_config

Ad Config Form builder

The Ad Config admin panel, is built from a hard-coded JSON config.
todo: This should be moved into CMS config.
These config files can be found here: /src/constants/adConfig/{client}.js

The Ad Config is divided into tabbed panels to separate options for different Article states, for example 'Desktop' and 'Mobile'

example JSON array for an Ad Config tab:

  { title: 'Top Banner', tile: 'top_banner' },
  { title: 'Gutter ads', tile: 'gtl/gtr' },
  { title: 'Skins', tile: 'skin' },
  { title: 'In-Gallery MPUs', tile: 'gallery_mpu', type: 'range', data: { start: 3, length: 8 } },
  { title: 'Gallery MPU - Sidebar', tile: 'gallery_mpu_sb' },
  { title: 'Video Ad', tile: 'hero_player' },
  { title: 'Partner Ads', tile: 'partner_ad' },
  { title: 'Live Blog MPUs', tile: 'blog_mpu', type: 'range', data: { start: 3, length: 8 } },
  { title: 'Outstream 1', tile: 'thirdparty01' },
  { title: 'Outstream 2', tile: 'thirdparty02' },
  { title: 'Rich Media', tile: 'thirdparty_05' },
  { title: 'Out of page', tile: 'out-of-page' },
  { title: 'Header Native Unit', tile: 'headerNative', type: 'partner' },
  { title: 'Mid Article Native Unit ', tile: 'midNative', type: 'partner' },
  { title: 'Affiliate Widget', tile: 'affiliate', type: 'partner' },

Ad config object anatomy:

titlestringDisplayed title on the config panel
tilestringName of property saved to the JSON config objet, should match frontend gpt tile if possible
typestringType of form object to display

The form supports the following types:

  • switch (default)
  • range
  • partner

switch (default)

Displays a toggle switch defaulting to the off position


Displays a select with a number range and an empty value of 'none'. Range supports the addition properties:

startnumberThe starting value to display
lengthnumberThe number of values to display
stepnumberThe interval between displayed number


start = 1
length = 10
step = 1

start = 1, length = 10, step = 1 will output the following options:

start = 5, length = 5, step = 5 will output the following options:


Displays a select with a list of available partner and an empty value of 'none'. This is currently only enabled for The Independent.

To enable for other clients please see function:
getAdPartners in file /src/components/ad/adConfig/AdConfigTab.js